Moms – Pre-birth: Being pregnant is an amazing journey, a time of excitement, and many changes. There are numerous things for the new parents to consider. Toward the end of the pregnancy, parents should begin to think about their baby’s oral health. Prevention is the key.
Infant Care: The first year of a child’s life is one of enormous growth and development. When should brushing the baby’s teeth begin? The answer is: As soon as the first tooth appears.
Pre-School Children: This is the age of independence by them saying, “I do it.” There are many things to consider during this stage of development and dental health. Be sure to continue to help pre-school children brush their teeth after they try first.
School Age Children: School age children have a lot of changes occurring in their mouths. Remember good habits in the toddler years will carry over into the school age years if parents continue to enforce them.
Special Needs Patients: The term Special Needs encompasses many types of patients. My experience with this population began with my training at Riley Children’s Hospital over 20 years ago.
Teenagers: Teenagers can be challenging and amazing as they try to strive for independence. I tell my pre-teen/early teenage patients, you need to make good choices. Remember the teens years are a time for exploration and fitting in. Helping your child do that in a healthy way is what we do!
Dr. Stephanie Litz, DDS, MSD, PC
100 Town Center S. Drive, Suite A Mooresville, IN 46158
P: (317) 831-KIDZ (5439) F: (317) 831-9750