Dental Sealants Benefit Children According to New CDC Report

Vital Signs, a report from the CDC, stated children without sealants have nearly three times more 1st molar cavities than those children with them. Sealant application among children aged 6-11 years has increased by 12.4 percentage points from 1999-2004 to 2011-2014. More work needs to be done though, as 60 percent of school children ages 6-11 don’t have dental sealants. A recent systematic review

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Warning: Homeopathic teething tablets and gels may pose a risk to infants and children.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers that homeopathic teething tablets and gels may pose a risk to infants and children. The FDA recommends that consumers stop using these products and dispose of any in their possession. Homeopathic teething tablets and gels are distributed by CVS and are sold in retail stores and online. Consumers should seek medical care immediately if their

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SEAL of Approval – The Effectiveness of Dental Sealants

A 2 year study regarding Dental Sealants was recently completed.  Dental sealants are one of the most effective tools dentists have to help prevent cavities in the grooves of the back teeth.  This is true for baby molars and permanent premolars and molars. In a 2-3 year time period, sealants can prevent 70% of tooth decay and 80% in a 7 year time frame. 

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Is thumb sucking hurting my child’s teeth?

Question: My 8-year-old is still working to break her thumb sucking habit. Is this hurting her teeth and any advice to help her stop? Answer: Sucking on a thumb or finger is normal for infants and young children and most children stop on their own. However, if a child doesn’t stop on their own, we do advise parents to discourage the pacifier habit ideally

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Little Teeth Truths : Should parents help pull out a child’s wiggly tooth?

Question: Should parents help pull out a child’s wiggly tooth or let it fall out on its own? Answer: My best advice is to let nature take its course!  Parents should encourage kids to gently wiggle the tooth with their finger or tongue until it naturally falls out on its own.  Pulling the tooth out before it is ready may actually cause unnecessary bleeding

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